PhD Studentships for the Thalis Program “GEnAge”: The role of Genetic and Environmental Factors in Aging and Longevity
With an ever growing proportion of elderly people in Western societies, there is an immense pressure to identify strategies to prevent or delay age-associated frailty and disease that is imperative for maintaining the health of our population, as well as European economy. With increased chronological age, aged individuals have an increased risk of developing numerous debilitating diseases, including osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, cognitive impairment, diabetes and cancer. However, in order to develop therapeutic strategies for delaying age-related pathology, a better understanding of the underlying causes of ageing is required.
Macromolecular damage Proteins Mitochondria & Lysosomes Genome S. Cereviseae C.elegans Mus musculus Human cells Genome surveillance, Proteasome Mitochondrial metabolism The Program GenAge is expected to provide a pioneering national framework that will address the basic mechanisms underlying the process of ageing, including insights into the natural defence systems that promote longevity as well as providing with gene targets for the development of rationalized intervention strategies against age- related pathology.
The Thalis GenAge involves nine Research labs from five Aging Longevity Academic Institutes across Greece (FORTH- BRI/University of Ioannina, University of Patras, University of Crete, Institute of Molecular Biology-FORTH and National Hellenic Research Foundation). The Program will focus on:
i) the impact of DNA damage in cell fate with advancing age,
ii) the role of protein degradation and proteasome regulation during ageing,
iii) the role of mitochondrial biogenesis in ageing
The Program invites applications from promising PhD candidates. The candidates are expected to have obtained a MSc degree in Life Sciences and are interested in carrying out a PhD research in one of the following Research labs: Lygerou lab (U. Patras), Garinis lab (IMBB-FORTH), Alexandraki lab (IMBB-FORTH), Gonos lab (NHRF), Kolettas lab (FORTH-BRI/U. Ioannina), Chondroyianni lab (NHRF), Tavernarakis lab (IMBB-FORTH), Tokatlidis lab (IMBB-FORTH), Tzamarias lab (U. Crete).
Interested applicants should apply by sending their CV to George Garinis (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) quoting “Thalis-Genage” in the subject line.